Thursday, December 3, 2009

The Latest mazes from Yonatan Frimer

John Lennon Psychedelic Maze Portrait
Imagine All The MAzes
Imagine All The Mazes

Find more mazes like these at Team Of Monkeys . com and Ink Blot Mazes . com

Like a Rolling Maze - Bob Dylan

Bob Dylan Maze
Like a Rolling Maze - Bob Dylan

Find more mazes like these at Team Of Monkeys . com and Ink Blot Mazes . com

Gene Simmons KISS and Maze Up
Gene Simmons, Kiss, Maze, Maze portrait, maze art
Gene Simmons KISS and Maze Up

Find more mazes like these at Team Of Monkeys . com and Ink Blot Mazes . com

Psychedelic Liberty Maze
statue of liberty maze pschedelic maze art
Maze of the Statue of Liberty

Find more mazes like these at Team Of Monkeys . com and Ink Blot Mazes . com

Monkeys Maze Driving a Bus
maze of monkeys driving a bus
Bus Driving Monkeys Maze Cartoon

Find more mazes like these at Team Of Monkeys . com and Ink Blot Mazes . com

Surfin' Monkeys Maze Cartoon
surf maze

Team Of Monkeys Maze Cartoon - Microscope.
maze of a team of monkeys cartoon using a microscope
Team Of Monkeys Maze Cartoon - Microscope.

Find more mazes like these at Team Of Monkeys . com and Ink Blot Mazes . com

Billboard Maze By Yonatan Frimer
free content maze billboard

Maze Rushmore
maze rushmore, mt. rushmore maze

Find more mazes like these at Team Of Monkeys . com and Ink Blot Mazes . com

Team Of Monkeys
H1N1 Swine Flu Vaccine Shots

team of monkeys maze comic swine flu vaccine, h1n1 shots

Scrooge McMaze
psychedelic mazes of uncle scrooge mcduck

Find more mazes like these at Team Of Monkeys . com and Ink Blot Mazes . com

Mazen - David
Magen David Maze - Star of david the maze, psychedelic art

Maze-O-Lantern Halloween Maze

Find more mazes like these at Team Of Monkeys . com and Ink Blot Mazes . com

Purple Maze - Jimi Hendrix

Purple Maze - Jimi Hendrix Psychedelic mazes by yonatan frimer

Panda Maze

Panda Maze, Created by Yonatan Frimer, Mazes Artist

Find more mazes like these at Team Of Monkeys . com and Ink Blot Mazes . com

Maze of Heart
Maze of heart

Gorilla Maze

gorilla Mazes, maze

Find more mazes like these at Team Of Monkeys . com and Ink Blot Mazes . com

Torah Maze
Jewish Art Torah Maze

Kicked in the maze

Kicked in the maze

Find more mazes like these at Team Of Monkeys . com and Ink Blot Mazes . com

Jewish Star Magen David Maze Art

Jewish Star Magen David Maze Art
Find more mazes like these at Team Of Monkeys . com and Ink Blot Mazes . com

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